Monday, November 19, 2012

Engage in Secular Music or Praise Music?

Some people still view praise music as just mere songs. The fact of the matter is that; when you engage in higher praise, you are not praising man or woman, you are praising God. There are a lot of virtues in praise songs, for example; when you sing higher praise sincerely and long enough, if you are sick, you can get healed, if you are depressed, you can get joyful, if you are oppressed, you can get delivered.

As Christians, you should not spend most of your time listening to secular songs; do not get me wrong, secular songs are great, and I occasionally listen to them but what I am trying to say here is that, secular songs cannot produce for you any of the virtues of praising God as mentioned above. These types of worldly songs only praise; men, women, children, materials, money, sex, anger, hatred, murder and so on.

Let me shed some light on these; for example, if you have a son or daughter who needs something from you, and he or she starts praising your friend instead of you, would you be prompted to give him or her the request? Probably not! This is the same way God views the scenario of praise music; that is, when a Christian engages in praising God, He becomes happy with us and gives us the desires of our hearts. However, when we do not give higher praise to Him, instead spend most of our time listening to and singing secular songs, God will not be fully committed to act or move on our behalf. This is the reason God says in His word; “God inhabits the praises of His people.” If God says it, you better believe it and obey with all your heart.

I must say, in this day and age, it is very easy to follow and do the things of the world but the things of God’s kingdom are usually quite challenging or tasking. This is the reason why some people either completely ignore the things of God or start to do them, and sooner or later quit. There is only one being responsible for this, which is the enemy. From my observation, I have found out that most Christians find it easier to pray for long hours than to dwell on praising God for even a short while.

One Sunday morning, while listening to a wonderful sermon at my church, I heard my Pastor say that; he has never heard anyone say to another,” have you praised God”  during a time of adversity, but always, you hear people say, “have you prayed.” The wall of Jericho fell down by praise, Paul and Silas were freed from prison by praise, and so on.  A man of God once said, when you pray to God, He sends angels to carry out the tasks, but these angels can be temporarily intercepted by the enemies; however, when you praise God, He comes down himself to carry out the task, which no enemy can intercept.  Higher praise is the most potent weapon that is available to a Christian, so therefore, engage in it and see results.

Find more information in my ebook | Uncommon Truths Leading to Success: Maximizing These Benefits of Christianity in Your Life

Author: Jimi Akanbi

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