are many attributes that man exhibits in life. Some being positive and others
negative. However, the negative characters in man such as; jealousy, strife,
anger, pride, stinginess, judgmental, foolishness, can prevent man from
reaching his highest God-given potential. Many people who suffer from any of
these are not even aware. I shall be discussing one particular negative
attribute called jealousy.
What do you understand by the word 'jealousy': It can be said to be lack of
contentment with what God has endowed you with in any facet of your life? Do
not get me wrong! It is always good to strive to elevate in every area of life
but there should be a balance. That is, you say; God, I am content with what
you have given me but I need more grace to move to the next level. When you
follow these pattern, that is; being content and asking for more of God's
grace, you will find yourself not only soaring higher but also free from the
spirit of jealousy.
There is a reason God says in His word:
But the path of the just is like a shining sun,
that shines even brighter unto a perfect day.
Proverbs 4:18
This Scripture supports my point in the sense that; God says a righteous person
is not supposed to stay stagnant in life rather move from level to level. That
being said, a crucial step to receiving more from God is to live a righteous
life. When you are just in the sight of God, He will elevate you and when you
have elevation, you cannot exhibit jealousy; rather people would envy you.
The spirit of Holiness is one which is very potent. It is more potent than
prayer and faith. Living a holy life is the master key to a world of exploits.
A person who is holy also exhibits the spirit of genuine love for God and man.
This being cannot harbor any acts of jealousy because a heart full of holiness
and love drives out all negative attributes. So if you are thinking of how to
be free of negative characters; the key is to live a holy life and be full of
genuine love.
Books written by Jimi Akanbi:
7 Attributes That Can Make or Break You:
Taking Your Life To The Next Level:
Living a Fulfilled Life Daily: